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Help to keep DotaLaning running!

The project took me more than 106 hours to build. But most of it was studying new technologies, so it was worth it!

But there are ongoing costs to keep it running. The server itself cost $1.8 / month + $0.002 - 0.01 or less per one search on the website via OpenDota API.

So I would be glad to any support for running this app indefinitely!
Just $1 is almost 15 days of this app running!

P.S. Patreon is configured to charge upfront, which is perfect for 1-time donations, just cancel afterward. If you want a subscription, be aware it will charge upfront and then on the 1st of each month.

P.S. By donating with Patreon 2+ your name will be displayed on the main page until all of your money would be used to pay for infrastructure (it will be added manually). Send which name you want to display on [email protected] or message on Patreon.